Modan Guide

In SOULS (Habby), many players struggle to beat Modan in Dimensional Rift mode. Modan is a powerful boss, and taking him down can be tricky. But don’t worry, we’ve gathered some expert tips to help you defeat Modan.

Understanding Modan

To beat Modan, you need to know how he attacks. Here’s what he does:

  1. Normal Attack: Modan targets heroes in the first 2 rows and has a 70% chance to stun them.
  2. Active Attack: He attacks the nearest and adjacent targets and applies a burning effect with damage over time (DoT).
  3. Fury Skill: Modan instantly kills the hero who has dealt the highest damage.
  4. Modan has a 70% resistance to Physical Damage. So, it’s smarter to bring along a Damage Dealer who uses Magic or has Penetration abilities.

When Modan attacks, he gains 20 to 50 units of fury. It takes about 4 to 5 rounds for his fury skill to fill up.

Hero Placement

When you’re up against Modan, where you position your heroes matters a lot. Many players find success with a particular setup: two heroes in the first row, with one square between them, and three heroes in the last row.

If you prefer not to place two heroes in the first row, you can place one in the middle row and one in the first row, but always keep three in the last row.

The heroes in the first row should be tough tanks who can soak up as much damage as possible, protecting the others from getting hit. Richelle, Taros, or Abala are great choices for tanking duties.

Recommended Lineup

Here is the recommended lineup against Modan that works for most players:

  • Damage Dealers: Sander > Carmen > Benzel > Milia
  • Tanks: Richelle > Taros > Abala
  • Healers: Solina > Odelia > Void > Naru
  • Support: Coco > Lulu > Dexter > Nuel

Including Solina or Odelia in your lineup is recommended because they can resurrect the dealer who gets defeated by Modan’s fury skill. Additionally, having Coco on your team is excellent for removing the buff that boosts Modan’s defenses.

For the last row, it’s recommended to place one support, one damage dealer, and one healer to balance out your team’s abilities and ensure you have the necessary support during the battle. Place your main damage dealer (Sander) in the last row.

If you have a strong Sander using the suggested lineup, defeating Modan should be relatively easy. However, if your Sander is weaker, your second team can handle Modan by sending high DPS heroes. In terms of cards, prioritize using survival-boosting cards to increase your team’s resilience during the battle.


In conclusion, defeating Modan in Dimensional Rift mode can be a daunting task due to his powerful abilities. However, by understanding his attack patterns, strategically positioning your heroes, and leveraging the strengths of specific characters such as Solina, Odelia, Richelle, and Sander, victory becomes attainable.

Whether through a powerful lineup or a well-coordinated second team, you have multiple options to defeat Modan. By prioritizing survival-boosting cards and adapting strategies to match team compositions, you can increase your chances of success against this powerful boss.


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